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Sunday, June 8, 2008

Ninja Gaiden 2 first impressions

It's been roughly 4 years since the original xbox was graced with ninja gaiden, a terrific yet extremely hard action game. It was the game that separated the casual from the hardcore , the button masher from the pure skillful player .4 years later and we have the 2nd iteration to the xbox classic,me, being a fan of the 1st is having high expectations for this one, so it better be a damn good game when i plop it into my 360 ;)

just a note: im not actually finished with it yet, im only at the 5th chapter :P

Gameplay: Ninja Gaiden has been known for its stellar gameplay with endless combos in sight. does this transfer into the 2nd? hell ya it does, NG2 is like the 1st but on speed. combat is much faster this time around (for the better) and feels more fluid. Now the big rave about NG2 is the whole dismemberment deal where now limbs will be sliced off and or broken off. dismembered enemies can lead to a fancy finisher move by pressing "Y" near the dismembered enemy which results in this:

as you can see NG2 is much more bloody and violent than the 1st. To help with all this carnage are a different array of weapons that ryu has to offer:

Dragon sword- basic katana

Lunar staff- basically a staff (good for swarms of enemies)

shops are fond along the way that can upgrade weapons and purchase items.

there are other weapons, im just not that far yet :(
Ryu has some of his old tricks like the flying sparrow and the wall run.

Another key aspect to any NG game it the difficulty level. NG2 caters to the more casual player but is still a hard ass game, with the return of the inevitable half hp attacks that were in the first. But, when the player has cleared out all of the enemies in the area they are rewarded HP back. Now, there will be a opposing red bar to counter the blue HP, meaning that you cant get that hp back untill you use a healing item or hit a save point ( they restore HP now to )

Graphics / presentation: NG on xbox was one of the best looking games for the system and really utilized the xbox hardware. this time around NG2 is no slouch but dosen't look the greatest compared to games like DMC4 or mass effect. characters look good, backgrounds look pretty bad in some areas and good in others.Many sources have stated that NG2 runs at 585P. I cannot comment on that (was running it on an SDTV) although it looks good on SDTV.... coming into NG2 i herd about the frustrating camera problem. The camera sucks. plain and simple it just sucks. there are times where the camera will hide enemies from you ( i know because i have died many times because of it). But by now i have come up with a solution: just jump around forever till it corrects its self or block. runs relatively smooth, not very much slowdown and limbs and blood stay on the ground for a longer period of time( now i can finally witness the carnage i have done :) )

Story: .... not much to say here. ryu meet girl. girl tell ryu demons want to summon arch fiend. end story for now.

Overall: NG2 is a good game for anyone who loves action games, fans will enjoy it like i did and even non-fans should get some fun outta it ( just be prepared to die a lot if your a noob)

Gameplay video:

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